Hello. We are Phil and Carey Bolin. Enjoy our web site. We've traveled over 30,000 miles mostly on our original Apolonia, a 43' Vista boat. This page and the tabs above give you information on our travels.
The BOAT tab gives you information on all the boats we've used during the past 20 years, including our current Apolonia, a 37' Maxum Cruiser.
The tab for "Travels before 2014" includes, among other trips, a 6 month great loop trip, several trips to the Bahamas and a triangle loop trip to Ottawa and Montreal Canada and back.
There are tabs for two recent trips we've taken to the Bahamas and one tab for a short excursion to Lake Okeechobee, FL. Use them to view pictures and details of the trips.
The page was last updated 2 May 2020

At left are a few pictures from the web site in a collage.
We tell the story that the original Apolonia is named for the Goddess of Friendship and Sunshine ... it works ... but the real story is that the first owner was a Dentist and he named the boat Apolonia as Apolonia is the Patron Saint of Dentists. Whatever, the original Apolonia has now been sold and our second Apolonia is a Maxum 3760 Express Cruiser we're using from our home in Florida.
See the details of our trips, plus information on our boats, using the links above. Each section has comments and pictures.
If you have comments or questions click here to email us.